Ross Noble Pops In: Patron Saints, Schnorbitz the Saint Bernard and Parenting

Ross Noble Pops In: Patron Saints, Schnorbitz the Saint Bernard and Parenting

By Global

In an episode that explores the true range of the Daily Grind we see Ross Noble pop in for a chat with more digressions that the London sewer system. Shaun and Ross discuss parenting, fish flops, Schnorbitz the Dog, a large Saint Bernard dog who was a comic "partner" to Bernie Winters and of course, ADD.

Before that though we find out the winner of the Jingle-Off and what the new number for the studio is.

Buy tickets for Ross' tour via his website:

There's (probably) some fairly strong language in this podcast, so it might not be suitable for all ages.

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Ross Noble Pops In: Patron Saints, Schnorbitz the Saint Bernard and Parenting
Ross Noble Pops In: Patron Saints, Schnorbitz the Saint Bernard and Parenting
Shaun Keaveny's Daily Grind