Baby daddy, Josh chats marriage, fatherhood, being a supportive partner and the kind of father he dreams to be

Baby daddy, Josh chats marriage, fatherhood, being a supportive partner and the kind of father he dreams to be


On this week's episode, Laura & Steph chat with Josh as he answers the KIC community's questions on all things fatherhood! 

Josh explores the moment he found out that he was going to be a dad, his experience during Steph's pregnancy, the lead up to labour and Harvey's arrival! 

Spilling the thing that he is most looking forward to as a dad... Cue heart melt! Tune in for some insightful tips on how to support your partner during pregnancy, labour and once your beautiful bub has arrived. 

Steph & Josh: Pumpkin & Feta Pasta and using shared notes with your partner on your iPhone! 
Laura: For those in lockdown, getting dressed up to help you feel good!

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