Kyle Long In Studio, Week 8 Picks And Preview, Bills Are Back (Sort Of) And Fyre Fest Of The Week

Kyle Long In Studio, Week 8 Picks And Preview, Bills Are Back (Sort Of) And Fyre Fest Of The Week

By Barstool Sports

The Bills are back, sort of. We talk TNF and if Al MIchaels is ok (00:00:00-00:14:30). Week 8 picks and preview for every game including do the Rams stink? Is Hank back in on the Patriots? Down a wild name rabbit hole and more. Fantasy Fuccbois (00:14:30-01:35:08). Kyle Long joins us in studio to talk football, o-line play, the time Bill Callahan owned him in combine interviews, adult softball and more (01:35:08-02:20:41). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week (02:20:41-02:47:34).

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Kyle Long In Studio, Week 8 Picks And Preview, Bills Are Back (Sort Of) And Fyre Fest Of The Week
Kyle Long In Studio, Week 8 Picks And Preview, Bills Are Back (Sort Of) And Fyre Fest Of The Week
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