Episode 88 - Calling all the Brigids

Episode 88 - Calling all the Brigids

By The Big Light

Award winning photographic artist Deirdre Brennan is on the look out for interesting Brigids. She tells the Talking Derry Girls how and why her latest project came about and how any would be subjects can get in touch. She is in Derry this week and has a spot or two still available.

The artist is no stranger to the City having created an audio visual exhibition in Derry which marked the 51st Anniversay of Bloody Sunday. Her portraits of the Bloody Sunday families were exhibited in Derry's Playhouse and were warmly received. An accompanying podcast - My Bloody Sunday was created Deirdre says ," almost by accident". It is a moving, personal, vibrant account of the day and its aftermath. It’s an important, historic piece. 

All Bridgets, Bridies, Brids, Biddys and all other variations thereof who are ready for their close ups Deirdre's details are in the notes below. Smiling not essential.


If your name is Brigid, Bridget, Brid, Bridey or any other spelling and you want to contact Deirdre about being photographed and you are in Derry email her at derrybrigid@gmail.com

Our Guest - Deirdre Brennan - https://deirdrebrennan.com/

Looking for Bridget - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-67213788

Barry Connolly https://plexa.ie/ 


Is the name Brigid making a come back? 


Bad Bridget - book


Bad Bridget exhibition at Ulster American Folk Park - https://www.ulsteramericanfolkpark.org/whats-on/bad-bridget

My Bloody Sunday Podcast https://audioboom.com/channels/5097606-my-bloody-sunday

Bloody Sunday Trust https://museumoffreederry.org/bloody-sunday-trust/

Archive information on Bloody Sunday 


Talking Derry Girls Episode 56 - Happy St Brigid’s Day 

(It was the first one ever in 2022) Next year marks the 1500th anniversary of her death. 

Dr Niamh Wycherley - https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/people/niamh-wycherley?page=4

Couple of articles by Niamh on St Brigid https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/research/spotlight-research/boss-brigit


Saint Brigid - https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/st-brigid-ireland

Episode 88 - Calling all the Brigids
Episode 88 - Calling all the Brigids
Talking Derry Girls