Bonus Episode: Timbaland's Crisis Comforts

Bonus Episode: Timbaland's Crisis Comforts

By Andy Coulson

As regular listeners will know, at the end of all our conversations we ask our guests for their three crisis comforts; their go-tos for inspiration and strength during the challenging times. Short but perfectly formed advice for getting you through the tough moments.

Over the years we have heard some incredibly interesting and useful tips for anyone who might be feeling the weight of their own problems.

In this episode Timbaland, legendary music super producer, shares his Crisis Comforts with us. The full episode is available below, but here is a little taster…

Full episode and transcript available below

Timbaland - on addiction, depression and why he’s kept the bullet inside him


Stream/Buy ‘Allies’ by Some Velvet Morning:

Some Velvet Morning Website:

Your Daily Practice: Sleep by Myndstream:

Host – Andy Coulson

CWC production team: Louise Difford and Jane Sankey

With special thanks to Global

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