Emergency episode: ADHD medication shortage
Katie has suddenly been unable to get hold of the medication she takes to help manage her ADHD. She only has five tablets left and has no idea when she'll be able to get her next prescription - and she's not alone. ADHD patients around the UK are struggling to get hold of their medication due to a national shortage. According to ADHD UK, 97% of people have been impacted by the ADHD medication supply issue which is expected to last until next April. In this emergency episode, Katie tells Sam how the shortage will affect her.
If you or someone you know has been affected by anything you hear in this episode, please contact your GP or contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or www.samaritans.org
NHS advice below:
If you are struggling to get your ADHD medication, the first step is to try other pharmacies, as another one may have it in stock. You can use the find a pharmacy page on the NHS website, www.nhs.uk. Your local pharmacy may also help you to find a supply, and you can ask for your prescription to be made available to other pharmacies.
If you are still unable to get your prescription, please contact your GP or ADHD service for advice. Do not try to substitute other medications yourself as this may be dangerous.