Peak Performance for Dads: Todd Herman's Alter Ego Insights

Peak Performance for Dads: Todd Herman's Alter Ego Insights

By Larry Hagner

Todd Herman is an acclaimed performance strategist and coach, known for helping athletes, business leaders, and entrepreneurs unleash their potential by tapping into alter egos. He is also the author of the book called "The Alter Ego Effect". His innovative methods blend psychology and peak performance tactics to achieve exceptional results.

In this Dad Edge episode, host Larry Hagner and guest Todd Herman discuss various topics, including their age, prescription glasses, and a quote about spending time with children. The guest shares a statistic that 80% of personal time with kids is used up by the age of 12. This quote has had a profound impact on the host, prompting him to reflect on how he uses his time with his own children.

Children grow up quickly, and the opportunities to create lasting memories and build strong relationships are fleeting. It is essential to be present, engaged, and intentional in our interactions with them. Quality time spent together not only strengthens the bond between parent and child but also contributes to the child's overall well-being and development.

As parents, we must make a conscious effort to create meaningful experiences and memories with our children. This may involve setting aside dedicated time for activities, conversations, and shared interests. It may also require us to be fully present, putting aside distractions and focusing on the present moment.

In a world filled with constant distractions and busy schedules, it is easy to overlook the value of time with children. However, as the podcast conversation highlighted, time is a finite resource, and once it is gone, it cannot be reclaimed. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize and make the most of the time we have with our children.


Peak Performance for Dads: Todd Herman's Alter Ego Insights
Peak Performance for Dads: Todd Herman's Alter Ego Insights
The Dad Edge Podcast