343. Keys to Creating an Engaged Audience + Get To Multiple 6 - 7 Figures | Live Q&A with Lori Harder and Lindsey Schwartz
Tune in to hear the audience. Q&A Lori Harder, Lindsey Schwartz and I hosted during our live podcast!. We answer audience member questions live and give our biggest tips for growing your podcast, tell you about the #1 platform you need to focus on for your short and long form content, and share how we show up as leaders when we’re navigating hard seasons of life and business. We also share what we would do to get to multiple 6 and 7 figures if we had to start from scratch today.
How to make a pivot in your business + bring your current audience along with you
The biggest needle movers to grow your podcast
The best platform to go all in on for your short form + long form content
Ways to monetize your podcast from your own offers to affiliates and sponsors
How to show up as a leader when you’re going through a tough season
What we would focus on to get to multiple 6 and 7 figures if we started from scratch
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bossbabe: @bossbabe.inc
Natalie Ellis: @iamnatalie
Lori Harder: @loriharder
Lindsey Schwartz: @llindseyschwartz