Minipod - If We're Buying It It Needs To Be Good!
I'm doing a shorter episode today as we're still away in Bath. Business resumes as usual next week.
During the podcast I chat about how unbelievably expensive things are at the moment and why if I'm spending my money I expect things to over deliver or at the very least do what they say they will. (There is something very wrong about brands that promise things that they then fail to deliver).
I also talk about how my slipped disc has opened my eyes to a whole new world, why I wish I could go back in time and tell some of my exes exactly what I think of them with my 43 year old attitude and I also tell you my honest thoughts about the No 7 tubing mascara that I bought the other day. (I had high expectations).
If you fancy a catch up about anything you've heard on the podcast you can message me on Insta @Outspokenbeautynicola. xx