Capitalism as Usual w/ Cecilia Rikap

Capitalism as Usual w/ Cecilia Rikap

By Planet B Productions

MACRODOSE EXTRA takes you behind the scenes to go in-depth with some of the leading voices from the world of economics. Subscribe today at to hear the full version of this interview and many more. 

Our guest today is Cecilia Rikap, who is lecturer in International Political Economy at City University in London.

Cecilia's research focuses on the political economy of technology, and her last book, Capitalism, Power and Innovation, describes the emergence of what she called “intellectual monopoly capitalism” as giant tech companies come to dominate our economic life.

She summarised some of her arguments in a recent piece for the New Left Review, “Capitalism as Usual?”, which challenges some recent accounts by economists like Cedric Durand and Yanis Varoufakis, who argue that we are moving out of capitalism altogether, and into something they call “techno-feudalism”.


You can read Cecilia's article here:

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