Betting Against the Future: the economics of inequality w/ Gary Stevenson

Betting Against the Future: the economics of inequality w/ Gary Stevenson

By Planet B Productions

FULL EPISODE available at:

MACRODOSE EXTRA takes you behind the scenes to go in-depth with some of the leading voices from the world of economics. Subscribe today to hear our recent interviews with Greek politician Yanis Varoufakis and labour journalist Sarah Jaffe, as well as upcoming interviews with author Kojo Koram, FT reporter Yuan Yang, and public economist Richard Wolff.

Our guest today is Gary Stevenson. Gary is a former city trader turned campaigner who made millions of pounds working at Citibank, betting that inequality would keep getting worse. He is now the host of the popular Youtube channel, Gary’s economics - where his short videos provide insight into how the economy is broken, how the rich are getting richer and what we can do to fix it.

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