Macrodose - Trailer

Macrodose - Trailer

By Planet B Productions

We’re living through a time of unprecedented economic turmoil.

From war, to the pandemic, to supply chain failures and climate breakdown, it is everyday people who are being made to bear the brunt of the crises.

The pace of events can seem overwhelming and confusing. The old ways of understanding our economy don’t seem to fit any more, and the economics establishment is out of ideas.

But these crises aren’t going away, and we aren’t going to return to the era of economic stability.

Macrodose is a new weekly podcast that seeks to chart our way through these turbulent times, and build a vision for a just, sustainable and progressive future.

Each week, we’ll bring you a 15 minute update on the key economic stories making the news, and the analysis you need to make sense of them.

It’s time to set the story straight.

Join James Meadway every Wednesday morning for Macrodose: Your weekly fix of everything economics.

Subscribe now, wherever you get your podcasts.

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