SIM Ep 935 Chops 284: Zahra Nader on the plight of women and girls in Afghanistan

SIM Ep 935 Chops 284: Zahra Nader on the plight of women and girls in Afghanistan

By Standard Issue

If ever a subject demanded a bit more of our time, it’s what’s happening to women and girls in Afghanistan under the Taliban. Zahra Nader, editor-in-chief of Zan Times, a brilliant, women-led investigative newsroom, covering the human rights crisis in Afghanistan with a focus on women, is well-placed to tell our Mick what’s really happening on the ground in Afghanistan.  Despite the risk to the safety of those involved, since its genesis in August 2022, Zan Times has reported on the rise of child marriage, the impossible choices that women health workers face, the rise of female suicide, femicide and domestic violence, how women journalists continue to fight, and how humanitarian aid is not reaching the most vulnerable, bringing attention to distressing issues that affect women in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.  Zahra also talks about how letting the Taliban get away with this treatment of women isn’t just bad for women in Afghanistan, it sets a precedent that’s bad for all women. But it’s only women, eh? Maybe that’s why the world seems to have forgotten about this particular, HUGE, human rights issue.  Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
SIM Ep 935 Chops 284: Zahra Nader on the plight of women and girls in Afghanistan
SIM Ep 935 Chops 284: Zahra Nader on the plight of women and girls in Afghanistan
Standard Issue Podcast