BONUS EPISODE: Ron gone, endorses Don - has Trump won?

BONUS EPISODE: Ron gone, endorses Don - has Trump won?

By Global

A bonus episode of The News Agents: USA as Ron DeSantis drops out of the presidential race and endorses the man that's ridiculed him for months on end - Donald Trump. He's kissed the ring - 6 days after slagging people off for being spineless enough to do just that.

With just one state having voted, and another voting tomorrow Tuesday (New Hampshire) - is Nikki Haley, the only candidate left - toast?

Editor: Gabriel Radus

Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

Video Production: Shane Fennelly & Rory Symon

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BONUS EPISODE: Ron gone, endorses Don - has Trump won?
BONUS EPISODE: Ron gone, endorses Don - has Trump won?
The News Agents - USA