Bryony and Nicola - Dizzy Turtles, Things To Declare and The Cleanser That Does It All

Bryony and Nicola - Dizzy Turtles, Things To Declare and The Cleanser That Does It All

By Global Media & Entertainment

Bryony's back from Mexico and in this episode she's telling us about her adventures, including the woman who sold her a very funny looking facemask and a rather unfortunate incident with a turtle.
We're also talking about Instagrammers on the beach, my trip to the gut clinic and why I'm a little bit worried that I'm not going to be allowed into Dubai.
Beauty wise there's a beautiful lipstick, a home builder gel kit and an awesome and affordable cleanser that we both love.
Bryony and Nicola - Dizzy Turtles, Things To Declare and The Cleanser That Does It All
Bryony and Nicola - Dizzy Turtles, Things To Declare and The Cleanser That Does It All
Outspoken Beauty