Amber Jean Rowan - The Woman Revolutionising The Wig Industry

Amber Jean Rowan - The Woman Revolutionising The Wig Industry

By Global Media & Entertainment

I am so excited about today's episode. It's with the model, actress and founder of The Amber Jean Shop, Amber Jean Rowan.

Amber discovered that she had alopecia totalis when she was a teenager and after exploring every medical avenue, her and her family decided that there was no solution and instead she turned to wigs. The only problem was that the whole experience of finding a wig felt depressing, very cold and clinical which was the last thing that she needed.

During the episode you'll hear:
How Amber felt when she was diagnosed
How alopecia affected her blossoming modelling career
How Amber has taken the lacking experience of getting a wig into her own hands and created something really beautiful
Why she is treated differently depending on the kind of wig she's wearing
How she's come to terms with her hair loss
and so much more.

Amber is a fascinating and truly amazing woman and I loved every second of this interview. You can find her shop here and find her on Instagram @amberjeanrowan.
Amber Jean Rowan - The Woman Revolutionising The Wig Industry
Amber Jean Rowan - The Woman Revolutionising The Wig Industry
Outspoken Beauty