Natasha Devon MBE Gets Outspoken About How To Navigate Our Children Through The Current Mental Health Crisis

Natasha Devon MBE Gets Outspoken About How To Navigate Our Children Through The Current Mental Health Crisis

By Global Media & Entertainment

Welcome to the first episode of my brilliant new series Outspoken Women.

I have the most amazing set of guests lined up for you including Bryony Gordon, Sara Davies MBE and Emma Sayle (the founder of Killing Kittens).

In today's episode I welcome the truly brilliant Natasha Devon MBE. Natasha is a writer, broadcaster & activist. She tours schools, universities and events throughout the world, delivering talks as well as conducting research on mental health, body image, gender and equality. She campaigns both on and offline to make the world a fairer place. She is also a founder of the Mental Health Media Charter, which scrutinises the way the media report on mental health and co-founded Where’s Your Head At, which aims to improve mental health in British work places.

During the episode we talk about where she feels we're currently at in the UK when it comes to mental health, particularly that of our sons and daughters. Natasha gets outspoken about why we're in a mental health crisis, what needs to change and also how we can support our children in the right way when it comes to the likes of mobile phones, body image and more.

I got SO much out of this interview and you need to listen to it whether you're a parent or you have a child in your life that matters to you.
Natasha Devon MBE Gets Outspoken About How To Navigate Our Children Through The Current Mental Health Crisis
Natasha Devon MBE Gets Outspoken About How To Navigate Our Children Through The Current Mental Health Crisis
Outspoken Beauty