Sex on the First Date: Embracing Redemption in Marriage with Tim and Kathy Bush

Sex on the First Date: Embracing Redemption in Marriage with Tim and Kathy Bush

By Larry Hagner

Tim and Kathy Bush established War Room Ministries in August of 2020 to serve men, marriages, families, and churches across the country. Their ministry focuses on developing Christian character through redemption, relationships, and resilience. They are also involved in speaking at marriage conferences and retreats across the country, sharing their insights and experiences to help others.

Tim and Kathy Bush's marriage started when they were just 18 and 20 years old, respectively. They acknowledge that they may not look old enough to have been married for 42 years, but this highlights the fact that they got married at a young age. Tim shares that they got married because Kathy unexpectedly got pregnant, which resonates with many young couples who find themselves in similar situations. Despite the challenges they faced, they made a commitment to each other and built a life together.

They also emphasized the importance of communication and understanding within a marriage. Tim and Kathy's ability to openly discuss their past and present experiences demonstrates their commitment to growth and improvement. They acknowledge their flaws and mistakes, which allows them to work together as a team.


Sex on the First Date: Embracing Redemption in Marriage with Tim and Kathy Bush
Sex on the First Date: Embracing Redemption in Marriage with Tim and Kathy Bush
The Dad Edge Podcast