Sex Clubs - Could They Save Your Relationship? (An Outspoken Women Special)

Sex Clubs - Could They Save Your Relationship? (An Outspoken Women Special)

By Global Media & Entertainment

In this special Outspoken Women Episode I welcome Emma Sayle, founder of the members only sex club Killing Kittens.

Emma founded Killing Kittens in 2005 with the ambition of making a female-oriented and empowering sex club. To this day, men are invitation only and the women are firmly in charge. Emma has also created a huge online offering which includes sexual empowerment workshops and even a safe dating app. To put it bluntly, Emma is the Queen of women's pleasure and has created a space where we can explore our fantasies safely and with abandon.

During the episode we chat about the sex parties that Emma holds and what actually happens at them. You may be surprised to know that many women go there to have their first sexual experiences with other women or even just to dance in their underwear with a group of friends.

We also chat about relationships, keeping the flame alive and how to become more sexually empowered as women.

This is such a fascinating episode and I found it totally inspiring and liberating.
Sex Clubs - Could They Save Your Relationship? (An Outspoken Women Special)
Sex Clubs - Could They Save Your Relationship? (An Outspoken Women Special)
Outspoken Beauty