“Who’s Afraid of Gender?” with Judith Butler

“Who’s Afraid of Gender?” with Judith Butler

By Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK

Why have attacks on gender become so pervasive, especially within right-wing movements? Our guest this week points out that “the question of gender is fundamentally linked with the future of our democratic world.” Judith Butler is a philosopher, gender theorist and cultural critic. They are also a distinguished professor in the graduate school at the University of California at Berkeley. Butler is the author of numerous books, including their latest, “Who’s Afraid of Gender?” They join WITHpod to discuss their seminal work, thinking beyond gender binaries, the obsession with gender as a tool to further authoritarian movements and more. 

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“Who’s Afraid of Gender?” with Judith Butler
“Who’s Afraid of Gender?” with Judith Butler
Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast