SIM Ep 952 Pod 297: Finding joy, female pleasure, and just the one Jack Nicholson

SIM Ep 952 Pod 297: Finding joy, female pleasure, and just the one Jack Nicholson

By Standard Issue

Hollie McNish - Standard Issue fave, award-winning poet, and all-round smasher - is back with Lobster, a brand-new collection of poems and prose. Naturally, Mick was delighted to jump on the Zoom to talk to her about it, as well as joy, not-joy, vulvas, knickers and RP. Over IRL, as the kids say, Jen was chuffed to bits to be reunited with writer Anoushka Warden, to talk to her about her debut novel, I’m F*cking Amazing. They also chat sweary titles, female pleasure, and navigating the NHS. There are recent retirements and romantic relationships in Jenny Off The Blocks, and in this week's Rated or Dated, we wonder if Hannah’s changed her mind about 1984 tearjerker Terms Of Endearment. And what did the Roman Empire ever do for women, eh? The British Museum has the, well *an* answer in this week’s Bush Telegraph. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
SIM Ep 952 Pod 297: Finding joy, female pleasure, and just the one Jack Nicholson
SIM Ep 952 Pod 297: Finding joy, female pleasure, and just the one Jack Nicholson
Standard Issue Podcast