I Am... Dr. Shefali on Conscious Parenting and Our Inner Child

I Am... Dr. Shefali on Conscious Parenting and Our Inner Child

By Jonny Wilkinson + Mark Wilkinson

Today on I Am Jonny is chatting to the amazing Dr Shefali Tsabary, New York Times best-selling author and a clinical psychologist specialising in the integration of Western psychology and Eastern philosophy. She is an expert in family dynamics and personal development, teaching courses all around the globe. She emphasises the importance of recognising that children are not possessions and are separate individuals with their own expressions of life and intelligence. She encourages parents to focus on their own internal environment to create a safe and nurturing environment for their children. The conversation also delves into the concept of the inner child, which refers to the childhood needs that are not met and the effects of traumatic events that become embedded in us and skew our experience of the world. Reparenting our inner child allows us to heal and let go of old wounds and patterns of reactivity, creating space for greater involvement in life and greater clarity. The conversation also explores the disconnect between our idea of self and our true self and the belief systems that we construct to mend this rift but which end up perpetuating more and more fear and insecurity.Jonny would love to hear from you!

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I Am... Dr. Shefali on Conscious Parenting and Our Inner Child
I Am... Dr. Shefali on Conscious Parenting and Our Inner Child
I Am... With Jonny Wilkinson