Joshua Fletcher - And How Does That Make You Feel?

Joshua Fletcher - And How Does That Make You Feel?

By Global Media & Entertainment

Joshua Fletcher aka Anxiety Josh is one of my heroes. When I look back at my life and consider the people who really changed it, he will be up there. (When I was in the throes of the worst anxiety imaginable I reached out to him and he not only offered me support and SUCH wisdom but ended up inspiring me to finally get out of the house, after months of hiding in anxiety hell, and get on the tube to London). 

When I found out that Josh had written a new book I instantly reached out to him. I was desperate to get my teeth into it. I was sent a PDF  and even though it wasn't Kindle compatible and I kept losing my place, I could not put it down. It was the perfect combination of funny, emotional, candid, was a truly brilliant book that I knew people would be wanting to read whether they suffered with anxiety or not. I had to get him on the podcast to chat about it!

And so here he is. He's a kind. brilliant human being, a truly amazing therapist who excels because he has suffered just like the people he helps and my goodness can the man write. 

During the episode I get all the gossip about the book (and the characters who inhabit it), we talk about anxiety...fighting it, menopause, life. It's a conversation that I know will benefit so many of you whether you sometimes feel randomly anxious and don't know why or whether you're haunted by intrusive thoughts and panic disorder.

As for the book, I've recommended it to everyone I know and you are most definitely included in that. Here's the link

Enjoy this Outspoken Beauties!
Joshua Fletcher - And How Does That Make You Feel?
Joshua Fletcher - And How Does That Make You Feel?
Outspoken Beauty