Q&A Special: Will 'Rees-Lightning' make it in NFL?

Q&A Special: Will 'Rees-Lightning' make it in NFL?

By Global

To mark our first month of shows, The Sports Agents answer your questions on everything from Olympics predictions to how the pundits on MOTD are decided!

Gabby & Mark also check in with Sky Sports' NFL analyst, Phoebe Schecter, to explore Louis Rees-Zammit's chances of making it in the NFL, after the former Welsh Rugby star was signed by reigning Super Bowl Champions, The Kansas City Chiefs.

Executive Producer: Adonis Pratsides

Producer: David Domb

Video Producers: Rory Symon & Sam Trudgill

Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

Tom Hughes is Editor for The News Agents podcast network

Vicky Etchells is the Commissioning Editor for Global

You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The Sports Agents".

Q&A Special: Will 'Rees-Lightning' make it in NFL?
Q&A Special: Will 'Rees-Lightning' make it in NFL?
The Sports Agents