Episode 22 - Sibling Grief

Episode 22 - Sibling Grief

By The Brain Tumour Charity

In this episode I talk to Kaz and Lauren about what it&aposs like to loose a sibling to a brain tumour.  For those of us that having siblings we know that the relationship we have with our siblings is different from any other relatonship we have. Kaz and Lauren share what it&aposs been like for them when they found out their siblings had a brain tumour.  They share how the loss has changed their lives and the gap that is left when a sibling dies.

Kaz has set up a Facebook group called Grieflings to help other people who have lost a sibling as she struggled to find  a space where she could talk about her experiences with people who truly understood. You can find the group here. You can also find Grieflings on Instagram here

You can also contact our support team by calling 0808 800 004 or emailing support@thebraintumourcharity.org

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