Are Premier League clubs trying to kill off your Season Ticket?

Are Premier League clubs trying to kill off your Season Ticket?

By Global

Today, The Sports Agents takes a closer look at a worrying trend - across the Premier League - after clubs announced more price hikes for next season...

The Athletic's Jack Pitt-Brooke explains why Spurs are stopping concessions for OAP's, Daniel Levy's bonuses and the global demand for tickets.

Daniel Bowdler, from City Matters - Man City's official fan engagement programme - explains why protests and boycotts can still make a real difference.

Plus, Gabby & Mark reflect on Monday's news of a second points deduction for Everton and find out who-dragged-who across the finish line as Gabby and her daughter ran the London Landmarks half marathon!

Executive Producer: Adonis Pratsides

Producer: David Domb

Video Producers: Rory Symon & Sam Trudgill

Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

Tom Hughes is Editor for The News Agents podcast network

Vicky Etchells is the Commissioning Editor for Global

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Are Premier League clubs trying to kill off your Season Ticket?
Are Premier League clubs trying to kill off your Season Ticket?
The Sports Agents