Captain Scarlet Watchalong: Point 783 | Marc Silk [Pod 306]
Our guest of the month, Marc Silk, reveals his favourite Anderson character and answers some of our viewers' questions. Meanwhile, Jamie, Richard and Chris watch the second ever episode of Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons - and deliver some exciting Gerry Anderson news!
00:25 Welcome to the Gerry Anderson Podcast!
02:31 The Randomiser Begins!
09:33 Marc Silk's Favourite Anderson Character
15:11 The Gerry Anderson News!
19:36 The Randomiser Continues!
26:52 Marc Silk Answers Your Questions!
32:46 Back To The Randomiser!
38:22 The Voice Of The Podsterons
44:02 The Randomiser Concludes!
51:23 More Marc Silk!
59:53 Wrapping Things Up!
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