Memoir Backlash Dogs Kristi Noem, FBI's Flawed Crime Numbers, Media Fawn Over Biden

Memoir Backlash Dogs Kristi Noem, FBI's Flawed Crime Numbers, Media Fawn Over Biden

By Radio America

Join Jim and Greg today as they chronicle South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem murdering her chances to become Trump's running mate, why the FBI's claims of falling crime rates are seriously flawed, and the media praising President Biden for preserving a free press when his actions suggest exactly the opposite.

First, they dig into the four-day firestorm of criticism against South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, after it was revealed in her forthcoming autobiography that years ago she shot a 14-month-old dog when it failed as a hunting dog. They're also critical of Noem and hope this development takes her out of the running for the GOP vice presidential nomination since her previous personal and policy decisions already ought to disqualify her.

Next, they groan as the FBI fails to get an accurate picture of crime rates across the nation by forcing local police to enter data in such a cumbersome way that some big cities don't enter crime statistics at all. And even in the cities where authorities do submit crime numbers, the FBI is still reporting lower numbers than local officials are announcing. Bottom line: the left's narrative that crime is plummeting (allegedly to 50-year lows) is dead wrong.

Finally, they roll their eyes as NBC's Kelly O'Donnell lavishes praise on President Biden, saying his mere presence at the White House Correspondents Dinner is a strong defense of free speech and a free press. The Biden's administration's track record tells a very different story.

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