Paul Dean, NORAD's UFO Files

Paul Dean, NORAD's UFO Files

By Open Minds Production

Open Minds UFO Radio: Paul Dean is an Australian who has been uncovering U.S. military secrets via the Freedom of Information Act. Although the U.S. government claims they have not been investigating UFOs since the close of the U.S. Air Force’s official UFO study, Project Blue Book, government records show otherwise. What has been difficult to track is who is collecting these reports and where are they going? One of the places we know they have been going to is North American Radar Defense (NORAD). NORAD has denied having any UFO files. However, UFO researchers have discovered that NORAD's claims are not accurate. There are in fact UFO files in NORAD files, including instructions for radar operators on how to deal with UFOs. In this interview, we talk to Paul about these files and their discovery. For more about Paul’s work, visit:
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