Lorien Fenton, Alien Experiences

Lorien Fenton, Alien Experiences

By Open Minds Production

Lorien Fenton is the Marin/Sonoma Section Director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). She produces conferences, including the UFO CON. She is also the host of several weekly radio shows, including California MUFON Radio. Later this month, Lorien is producing a unique event called UFO CON: The Experiencer Event. At this event people will be broken up into groups to share their experiences. The groups will represent the various types of experiences people who believe they have been in contact with extraterrestrial beings believe to have experienced. In this interview we talk to her about the inspiration for her conference and the book she plans to write on these different types of alien encounters. You can read more about the conference at www.CAUFOCON.com, and you find out more about Lorien at www.LorienFenton.com.
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