Larry Holcombe, Presidents and UFOs

Larry Holcombe, Presidents and UFOs

By Open Minds Production

Larry Holcombe took up writing after retiring from a long career in sales. He has had a lifetime interest in the UFO topic, so his first book The Great River Disclosure was a fiction based off of his UFO beleifs. Having done well as an author, Holcombe proposed to his literary agent the idea of doing a non-fiction book on UFOs. He had been told an amazing story about how Nixon's reelection committee had wanted a movie on UFOs to be made and proposed it include real UFO film provided by the Air Force. This idea expanded into a book not just about Nixon's UFO interests, but all Presidents from FDR to Obama. The idea was picked up St. Martin's Press, and his book The Presidents and UFOs:A Secret History from FDR to Obama came out on March 17, 2015. In this interview, we talk to Holcombe about the making of the book, the research he conducted to write the book, and some of the amazing stories in the book. For more about Larry, visit his wesbite at
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