Matty Beckerman, Director of Alien Abduction

Matty Beckerman, Director of Alien Abduction

By Open Minds Production

Matty Beckerman produced and directed the new movie Alien Abduction, which also includes the Brown Mountain lights mystery. In fact, he got the idea for the movie from stories of strange lights and disappearances in the Brown Mountains of North Carolina. Beckerman says when he first started looking into the mystery to prepare for the filming of the movie he was skeptical. However, now he has seen the lights himself and is convinced that not only are the Brown Mountain lights truly an anomalous phenomena, but alien abductions are really too! We talk to Beckerman about the making of Alien Abduction, and the experiences and research that changed his mind about extraterrestrial visitation and UFOs. For more information about Beckerman and the movie, visit:
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