Antonio Paris, Aerial Phenomena Investigations

Antonio Paris, Aerial Phenomena Investigations

By Open Minds Production

Antonio, the Founder and Director of the Aerial Phenomena Investigations (API), is a former US Army Counterintelligence Officer and Department of Defense Counterintelligence Special Agent. He was awarded a Bronze Star for combat operations in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. API is a team of trained UFO investigators dedicated to conducting investigations, research and analysis regarding unidentified flying objects (UFO) and other aerial phenomena. Their mission is to conduct a systematic search for facts to determine whether or not a UFO sighting can be first attributed to a man-made object, natural phenomena, or perhaps extraterrestrial in nature. We talk to Antonio about his background in Intelligence and how he got involved with UFO investigations. We also talk about why he thinks Ufology needs a reviving, and how he intends to help make that happen. You can read more about Antonio and the PAI at their website:
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