Kathleen Marden, Abduction Commonalities Study

Kathleen Marden, Abduction Commonalities Study

By Open Minds Production

Kathleen Marden is a scientific ufologist whose interest in the topic started at a young age. Kathleen is the niece of Betty Hill who along with her husband Barney experienced the first widely publicized abduction. Along with her colleague Denise Stoner, Kathleen has put together a study on the commonalities between abduction experiencers. Their findings are very interesting and will be the topic of our discussion. Kathleen Marden earned her B.A. in Social Work at the University of New Hampshire in 1971. Thereafter, she entered into graduate studies in Education at the University of Cincinnati, and later, at U.N.H. She began her professional career as a social worker and eventually entered the field of education. She left her job in 1990, and decided to pursue a career as a UFO investigator, researcher and writer. She taught adult education classes on UFO and abduction history, and for 10 years volunteered as the Mutual UFO Network's Director of Field Investigator Training. She is currently a UFO & abduction writer and lecturer investigating some of the very substantial cases in the annals of UFO and abduction history. She was recently appointed as MUFON's Director of Abduction Studies. Visit Kathleen’s website at: http://www.kathleen-marden.com
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