Frank Feschino Jr, Flatwoods Monster UFO and ET Encounter

Frank Feschino Jr, Flatwoods Monster UFO and ET Encounter

By Open Minds Production

Frank Feschino Jr has spent many years investigating one of the most perplexing UFO and ET encounter stories on the books, the Flatwoods Monster. Late in 1952, a year full of sightings across the US, witnesses in Braxton County, West Virginia report seeing lights in theirs skies and in the forests of Flatwoods. Locals who investigated the forest came face to face with something they could not explain. Frank has talked to those witnesses and gotten an accurate account of the story that without his efforts may have been lost to obscurity. He wrote about his research in a book published in 2004, but the publisher had unfortunately changed his text and got a lot of his work wrong and left out other important parts of the story. He is now rereleasing the book as it should have been with more discoveries he has made in the last few years. We will talk about this incredible case and his new book. For more on Frank visit:
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