Margie Kay, Kansas City UFO Wave

Margie Kay, Kansas City UFO Wave

By Open Minds Production

Margie Kay is a paranormal investigator, author, and national speaker. Margie is also the Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON, the Director of QUEST Investigation Group, Editor/publisher of Un-X News Magazine and host of Un-X Radio show.  She has worked in the paranormal field for over 35 years. She has had UFO encounters, which led to her interest in Ufology. She is also a remote viewer and has assisted law enforcement with missing person and homicide cases. She has helped solve over 40 cases. We will talk about a wave of UFOs sightings from last October that continue to this day, and her views on how remote viewing and other paranormal phenomena relate to the UFO field. For more on Margie, visit her website at:
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