Robert Schroeder, UFOs and Modern Physics

Robert Schroeder, UFOs and Modern Physics

By Open Minds Production

Robert Schroeder is the author of the book: Solving the UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs. In it, he explains how the technology behind the UFO phenomenon can now be explained by modern physics and by a close examination of the more credible UFO reports.  The idea that a subset of all UFO reports represent advanced craft of extraterrestrial origin has been around for a long time. But only recently has the science of physics developed theories which, when correlated with selected UFO data, point directly toward a likely explanation of this alien technology. Robert recently retired after 26 years with a major computer company where he was involved in operations and product management. His educational background includes a BA in mathematics, an MBA and an associate's degree in aerospace engineering. He has closely followed developments in modern physics over the years and has researched the UFO phenomenon since the 1960's. For more about his book, visit:
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