Presenting: 'The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast - Does What We Do Really Matter?'

Presenting: 'The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast - Does What We Do Really Matter?'

By Global Optimism

Can one vegan with no car really help the planet?

Today, a special presentation of a podcast we think O+O listeners will love from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast.

The climate crisis gets more terrifying every year. The impact is undeniable and can feel totally overwhelming. Hope won’t solve it, but neither will hopelessness. A surefire way to manage anxiety and stress over the existential problem threatening our planet is to participate in solutions. So our team is prepared to answer your questions about how you can meaningfully make a difference.

In this episode titled, ‘Does What We Do Really Matter?’, hosts Caleigh Wells and Candice Dickens-Russell tackle a hard question; Why bother taking any individual actions to help the planet if industry and other nations pollute so much that they cancel you out? Caleigh and Candice discuss and invite guest Jiaying Zhao, psychology professor at University of British Columbia, to answer how your daily choices to affect climate change can have an impact but maybe not the way you think.



The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website


Caleigh Wells

Host, TADCP, and KCRW Climate Reporter

Website | Twitter (X)


Candice Dickens-Russell

Environmental Educator, and CEO of Friends of the Los Angeles River




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