Chapter 209. Sub Brownian Motion

Chapter 209. Sub Brownian Motion

By Steve Hogarth

I am properly losing track of what I am reading every week in the diary section.

Even since we finished Volume II of The Invisible Man (1998-2014) I have been scrabbling around on my hands and knees (figuratively speaking of course) under the lid of my MacBook trying to locate odd bits of stuff to read out.

And because I keep stumbling on stuff, we have lost all sense of chronology in terms of what we have included and what can still be used. Which is why I sent Ant an email on Wednesday and asked him to look at a couple of pages to try and ascertain if we had used them already. I couldn't be sure, and as it turned out neither could he, but we both plumped for the 'travelling to Lille' extract as being the safer option - so that is what you are getting.

And as far as the rest of the episode is concerned, well it's just the other Mr.H being brilliant.

Nuff said.



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