‘You're Wrong’ With Mollie Hemingway And David Harsanyi, Ep. 98: ‘Respect’

‘You're Wrong’ With Mollie Hemingway And David Harsanyi, Ep. 98: ‘Respect’

By Radio America

"Mollie Hemingway, respected by everyone, by the way!" Join Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway and Senior Editor David Harsanyi as they review former President Donald Trump's latest comments about Mollie and her coverage of Democrats' show trials, discuss Michael Cohen's disastrous testimony, evaluate the ongoing smears of Republican-nominated Supreme Court justices, revisit the Russia-collusion hoax, and analyze U.S. meddling in other countries' elections. Mollie and David also share their culture picks for the week. 

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