Harvard Fakes Free Speech, Another Biden Gas Price Gimmick, Biden's Dumb De Niro Stunt

Harvard Fakes Free Speech, Another Biden Gas Price Gimmick, Biden's Dumb De Niro Stunt

By Radio America

Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and host of the "High Noon" podcast is in for Jim. Join Greg and Inez as they discuss Harvard's new "Institutional Voice Working Group" report, Biden's attempts to explain away high oil prices with pre-election pandering, and the fast-approaching denouement of the Trump trial, along with all the implications associated with the verdict.

First, they raise their eyebrows at Harvard's professed commitment to upholding free speech and open inquiry. They point out that Harvard's Institutional Voice Working Group is only making such statements to appease both angry donors and radical students, and that they will, in all likelihood, proceed with anti-speech policies when it comes to conservative voices.

Next, they dissect President Biden's deceptive attempts to use Russia as the reason for high gas prices and to fashion a scapegoat out of oil companies and corporate greed. They also shake their heads at his inappropriate use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to essentially pander to voters. And they shake their heads at the counterproductive impact California Democrats may inflict with their new law that's supposedly designed to prevent gas price gouging. 

Finally, they wonder why the Biden-Harris campaign chose Robert DeNiro, of all people, to make a statement of endorsement outside of the Trump trial proceedings. They also consider the possible impacts, positive and negative, of the trial on Trump's popularity, as well as his chances of acquittal.

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