Why have we evolved to avoid exercise? With Harvard Professor Daniel Lieberman (E263)

Why have we evolved to avoid exercise? With Harvard Professor Daniel Lieberman (E263)

By High Performance

In this episode, Jake meets with Daniel Lieberman, a renowned researcher in human evolutionary biology and a Professor at Harvard University, to discuss the profound impact of exercise on our health and longevity.

Daniel delves into the evidence revealing how just a moderate amount of physical activity can significantly lower our risk of death from numerous diseases, including cancer. He challenges the notion of exercise as a modern demand, highlighting its importance for human well-being throughout history.

He also shares personal strategies for staying active, emphasising the social and enjoyable aspects of physical fitness. Daniel also highlights the physiological benefits of exercise, from combating inflammation to promoting mental well-being.

Touching on the importance of sleep, Daniel explains how society can better support healthy lifestyles through public education from a young age. He discusses that improving our exercise habits and diet could drastically enhance our quality of life and reduce chronic diseases.

With insights grounded in evolutionary biology and supported by compelling evidence, this episode challenges us to rethink our relationship with exercise and prioritise health in a sedentary world.


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