Too Long Did Read [It]: What is More Important!? Your Job or Your Wife?

Too Long Did Read [It]: What is More Important!? Your Job or Your Wife?

By Allison Raskin and Gabe S. Dunn

Sugar threw up on Allison's head. Gabe saw Titanique the Musical in New York and explains the wild plot. r/careerguidance proves companies are evil. r/relationships showcases parents who don"t understand that some people like to leave the house. r/badwomensanatomy brings a tale of a boyfriend who thinks women can mentally stop their periods. r/dating features a genius unlike any we've seen before! (JK.) r/sex is full of surprises--in a bad way. 

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This has been a Gallison Production

Produced by Melisa D. Monts and Diamond MPrint Productions

Post-Production by Coco Llorens

Production Assistance by Melanie D. Watson

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