The Bush Telegraph: Uprooting, under-valuing, and some sad human testicle samples.

The Bush Telegraph: Uprooting, under-valuing, and some sad human testicle samples.

By Standard Issue

The world has gone election-crazy, but fortunately Hannah and Jen have mostly swerved it in this week’s Bush Telegraph. There’s some real human hardship to talk about, beyond poor ickle Rishi’s lack of Sky TV, as well as some mental imagery you’re likely never to forget around microplastics and human testicle samples. In sport, we’re looking at the European Athletics Championships, as well as saying a firm “fuck this shit” to the decision makers at Thornaby FC. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Bush Telegraph: Uprooting, under-valuing, and some sad human testicle samples.
The Bush Telegraph: Uprooting, under-valuing, and some sad human testicle samples.
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