Do smaller sports need to go pro to survive?

Do smaller sports need to go pro to survive?

By Global

Does every sport need to professionalise in order to survive?...

When plans for a revamped Netball Super League were revealed in May, fans and players were outraged at the exclusion of four franchises, including 5-time Champions Team Bath.

Today, on The Sports Agents, Gabby & Mark speak to key stakeholders to find out how those uncomfortable decisions were reached and the effect the new changes will have on both current players and the next generation - as the entire South West of England (and Scotland) have been left without a team.

Will Netball Super League 2.0 and the broadcast deals to televise every game enhance the sport, or will the changes mean many young fans are lost to other sports?

NSL Managing Director Claire Nelson, Sarah Gandon from the Players' Association and Team Bath's own Kadeen Corbin feature, as well as, your questions!

Executive Producer: Adonis Pratsides

Producer: David Domb

Video Producer: Sam Trudgill

Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

Tom Hughes is Editor for The News Agents podcast network

Vicky Etchells is the Commissioning Editor for Global 

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Do smaller sports need to go pro to survive?
Do smaller sports need to go pro to survive?
The Sports Agents