Biden Blocked on Title IX, GOP Stumbling on Abortion, Left Redefines 'Democracy'

Biden Blocked on Title IX, GOP Stumbling on Abortion, Left Redefines 'Democracy'

By Radio America

Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and host of the "High Noon" podcast is in for Jim. Today, Inez and Greg welcome a federal judge strongly rejecting the Biden administration's rewrite of Title IX, wonder if Republicans will be able to punch back effectively on abortion anytime soon, and laugh as the left says election results they don't like are a threat to democracy.

First, they applaud the federal court ruling that the Biden administration's efforts to redefine "sex" in Title IX to enshrine the left's gender identity agenda and evisceration of due process rights clearly guts the intent of Title IX and also violates the constitutional requirement for such changes to come through Congress.

They also note Thursday's Supreme Court decision dodging the merits of the case on the FDA and abortifacients and consider whether Republicans are ever going to get out of the political starting blocks on this issue nearly two years after the Dobbs decision. Inez says Americans are suddenly having to exercise political muscles that had atrophied since Roe v. Wade and Republicans were caught flat-footed by their own victory.

Finally, they shake their heads as leftists in Europe and the U.S. try to argue that victories by "far right" parties in Europe are a "threat to democracy," noting how the left now casually labels any result of policy they don't like as imperiling democracy.

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