Bump Stocks Ban Reversed, U.S. Troops to Patrol Gaza? Biden Nominees Protect Pedophiles

Bump Stocks Ban Reversed, U.S. Troops to Patrol Gaza? Biden Nominees Protect Pedophiles

By Radio America

Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and host of the "High Noon" podcast is in for Jim. Today, Inez and Greg discuss the Supreme Court's reversal of the ban on bump stocks, the alarming speculation that the Biden administration is seriously considering a post-war U.S. intervention in Gaza, and some nauseating decisions made by two Biden judicial nominees which protected criminal pedophiles.

First, they applaud the Supreme Court for overturning the ban on bump stocks, ruling that they do not transform semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons. They also touch on Merrick Garland being held in contempt of Congress for refusing to release the unedited Biden-Hur recording, and whether or not this action on the House's part will lead to the eventual release of the recording.

Next, they raise their eyebrows at the Biden administration's apparent consideration of U.S involvement in post-war Gaza. Inez and Greg point out that placing our soldiers in this hotbed of terrorism severely risks exposing them to attack.

Finally, they delve into the sordid rulings of two of President Biden's judicial nominees, one of whom, Julia Lipez, suspended the prison sentence of a predator who sexually assaulted two girls, saying she "saw good in him." The other, Sarah Netburn, infamously recommended the transfer of a male child rapist to a women's prison facility after the perpetrator claimed to identify as a woman.

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