Jen Brister is channelling her rage

Jen Brister is channelling her rage

By Standard Issue

What a treat for our Mick to get on the Zoom with excellent comedian and total smasher, Jen Brister. They’re chatting optimism in the face of the news, the upcoming general election, hang-gliding dogs, and All Our Relations, which is Jen’s non-profit, raising money to help Palestinian families stuck in Rafah.  You can and should follow Jen on the socials, where she’s @jenbristercomedy, listen to her on Women Talking Bollocks, her podcast with Maureen Younger and Allyson June Smith, download her show The Optimist from 800 Pound Gorilla, and get involved with All Our Relations on Instagram @_allourrelations. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jen Brister is channelling her rage
Jen Brister is channelling her rage
Standard Issue Podcast