A Premier League 'swap-deal' conspiracy & England's route to Euros Final

A Premier League 'swap-deal' conspiracy & England's route to Euros Final

By Global

Today on The Sports Agents - A flurry of ‘swap deals’ for academy graduates between Premier League clubs (for some eyebrow-raising transfer fees) led to reports that a 'loophole' in the current 'PSR' financial rules for clubs had been exploited...

So do the Premier League investigate, how do you decide the ‘fair market value’ of a footballer and are rival clubs really conspiring to get bend the rules? 

Mark & Gabby are joined by Professor of Applied Sports Finance at UCFB Rob Wilson, and Chief Intelligence Officer at Twenty First Group, Omar Chaudhuri, to explain.

And what about the young players at the heart of this story? PFA Chief Exec Maheta Molango, joined us to reflect on the state of the transfer window and the welfare of players.

Plus, with Gabby still out in Berlin (where the Wifi isn't as good) they discuss why England's route to the Euros final isn't as "easy" as some have suggested.

Executive Producer: Adonis Pratsides

Producer: David Domb

Video Producer: Sam Trudgill 

Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

Tom Hughes is Editor for The News Agents podcast network

Vicky Etchells is the Commissioning Editor for Global 

You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The Sports Agents".

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A Premier League 'swap-deal' conspiracy & England's route to Euros Final
A Premier League 'swap-deal' conspiracy & England's route to Euros Final
The Sports Agents