Votes for women! Jemima Olchawski on Fawcett’s #SheVotes24

Votes for women! Jemima Olchawski on Fawcett’s #SheVotes24

By Standard Issue

It can’t have escaped your attention there’s a general election happening in the UK this week. Polls show that 23 per cent of women are still undecided on how to vote, and when you look at where the political sphere is letting us down – healthcare, childcare, equal pay – it’s no surprise so many aren’t sure where to put their X.  The Fawcett Society knows a thing or two about what women need and its latest project, #SheVotes24, has brought together more than 120 women’s organisations to address what policies will help women, and so Mick got on the Zoom with CEO Jemima Olchawski to talk past wins and future hopes in the way Parliament looks out for women – whoever’s in charge.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Votes for women! Jemima Olchawski on Fawcett’s #SheVotes24
Votes for women! Jemima Olchawski on Fawcett’s #SheVotes24
Standard Issue Podcast